Search Results
Vadi By the Source: Episode 9 - Turning Principle (Rotare)
Vadi By the Source: Episode 10 - Mezzo Tempo & Swift Strike (Volaticha)
Vadi By the Source: Episode 6 - The Rising Strike (Rota)
Vadi By the Source: Episode 8 - Mezza Spada
Vadi By the Source: Episode 25 - Mastering the Sword
Vadi By the Source: Episode 5 - The Downward Strike (Fendente)
Vadi's recipe to fast and snappy ripostes
Hipster Longsword: Windows XP
Italian Longsword- Hipster Longsword Revisiting Footwork
IGX 2021 Exhibition Match: Vadi vs Monte
Why Vadi?
Silver Cord Plays - Longsword - 2018 04 28